India is a country which is known for spirituality. India has been the birthplace of a lot of great spiritual masters such as Buddha, Vallalar, Sri Ramakrishna, Vivekananda, Shankaracharya, Ramana Maharishi etc. This blog is completely dedicated to the teachings of such great gurus who have brightened the lives of thousands of people by sharing the precious knowledge which they have attained. This blog would act as a platform to share the best of the teachings of such gurus who have indulged their lives selflessly in the spiritual growth of others.
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Teachings and Anecdotes

This page contains the teachings and incidents from the life of the great spiritual masters posted in this blog

Child Gautam Buddha's Compassion
Buddha - How to meet evil?
Dhammapada - Chapter 1 - Pairs
Dhammapada - Chapter 2 - Heedfulness
Dhammapada - Chapter 3 - The Mind
Dhammapada - Chapter 4 - Blossoms
Dhammapada - Chapter 5 - Fools
Dhammapada - Chapter 6 - The Wise
Dhammapada - Chapter 7 - Arahants
Dhammapada - Chapter 8 - The Wise
Dhammapada - Chapter 9 - The Evil
Dhammapada - Chapter 10 - The Rod
Dhammapada - Chapter 11 - Ageing
Dhammapada - Chapter 12 - Self
Dhammapada - Chapter 13 - World
Dhammapada - Chapter 14 - Awakened

Sri Ramakrishna
How To Deal With The Wicked - Sri Ramakrishna

Swami Vivekananda
Swami Vivekananda on Idol Worship

Ramana Maharishi
Ramana Maharishi And the Squirrel
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